DMI Solutions is proud to be among the sponsors of the first official GAIA-X Hackathon event. For more than a year, the European GAIA-X project has been in the news. With its objective of offering a cloud computing service in Europe and a European data infrastructure, the initiative is undoubtedly ambitious. In a move to get more and more into the thick of things, a series of hackathons will increase the technology-related skills within the expert community in the interest of the GAIA-X ecosystem.
The GAIA-X Hackathon #1 (30-31 August) will focus on specific components of the GAIA-X architecture, like Service Self-descriptions, Service Orchestration, Service Identity and Access Management, and Federated Interconnection/Networking. The Hackathons will be organized as community events in regular intervals by the Open Work Package Minimal Viable Gaia-X/Piloting.
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