Our Products and services

High integrity Automation

DMI helps the aerospace and defence industry to continuously deliver automation software with high integrity through products and services.


DMI Labs is a comprehensive end-to-end engineering platform dedicated to the development, simulation, and optimization of safe AI systems.
DMI Labs Screenshot - Select Graphs for Mission Simulation Analysis

Out-of-the-box pipeline to develop, simulate and fine-tune AI systems and their operations

Cloud native for large scale computations

Operator-in-the-loop capability

Certification evidence for upcoming AI standards (EUROCAE WG114)


Get your projects off the ground quickly. Access specialized models for aerospace applications and train them quickly for your use cases.
DMI Mission Automation Library Interface Example
Button Fast Forward 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Ready-to-implement automation models

Vr Headset 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Advanced operator interface elements with XAI

Models for out-of-the-box mission simulation

Development Services

Extensive automation engineering experience with specialized Human-Machine-Interface and aerospace expertise to develop and integrate your custom solutions.
Software interface with different elements to control and assess the data flow between aerial systems

New algorithms for mission automation

Integration of simulation models and tools

Custom interface elements

trust us

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the untapped potential
of AI in Aerospace &

Contact us to find out how we can enhance your systems or schedule your
personal product intro.
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